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Being in the Body

Metaphysics of the Physical

An introduction into the body awareness method I evolved, ‘being in the body’ – a somatic discovery through Intuitive Movement Unfoldings, leading towards an embodiment beyond the personal self. This approach opens up the deeper meaning of our bodies and of the physical reality we live in, and unveils its interconnection with us as formless, eternal Beings. Central in it is the awareness of the fluids in our body.



This book is for you, if you would like to dive into awakening …


 the Living Yes Body ~~~ roundly soundly being here ~~~ clean pure bodyness ~~~ The Real Physical ~~~ Organismic Intelligence ~~~ physically perceiving the pulse of reality ~~~ bodying around ~~~ tender baby body ~~~ Physication (physical intuition) ~~~ Bodylization (bodily realization) ~~~ grounded presence of ease ~~~ existential reshaping of tissue ~~~ the stream-of-life-body ~~~ undoing our cultural bodily ignorance~~~ general softness body  ~~~ dropping in between one’s form  ~~~ light converting into flesh  ~~~  godding through matter ~~~ the Earthing ~~~ transforming the Material World into a Waterial Melt ~~~ how to give birth to the inner earth ~~~ a blessing body giving body blessings ~~~ cycling one’s body ~~~ transmuting substance ~~~ total transparency physicalized ~~~ The Buddha Body.

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