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 Intense Awakening /
Kundalini Symptom Support

- Dealing with frequency rise -

Did you go through some massive spiritual awakening?

 Your former boundaries got blasted?

Flooded by visions, revelations, seeings?

Going through “Kundalini symptoms”, like energy rushes, involuntary body movements, mysterious perceptions … ?

Scared to GO CRAZY?

Difficulties to now function in outer life?

Or: Did you just fall “from heaven to hell”?


What to do with it? How to deal with all that?


Well … you  happened to step into a door of Greater Reality. The experiences you’re going through are a normal phase of consciousness awakening in you.

Don´t worry! You’ll get used to it. Your system just needs some time to adapt.

What is real in it, will find its way to normalize and get settled in your system.

What is made up by your reaction to it, will pass away and leave your system.


 You do not have to do anything with it!  Don’t try to make it more, don’t try to shut it down.

Just let it be as is.

Find the place of rest inside.


The experience itself is not dangerous.  Don’t make the experience ABOUT YOURSELF.  Don’t create a Story!

As you let go, within, it will all free fall through you.


It is meant to come into balance.


I speak from experience. I have gone through many of these phases.

I am happy to support you in this.




Some practical tips:

Take time to rest, let it settle, do what grounds you, move your body and take good care of yourself.


Be easy-going in your mind, act reasonably in outer reality. Be rational. Don’t cross the levels by making up stuff or behave crazy. No need.


Say YES to most simple practical action.

Each session has their own timing for your process to conclude.
Time frame of 90 minutes is open.


Price : 80 $ / 80 €


If you feel you really need this session but cannot pay the full amount, get in touch with me.

Any questions? 

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