I am just given
Given to that touch
of Quiet Love within
I truly exist only for that
I truly exist only because of that –
at some point,
I just gave up.
I gave myself back to where I came from.
I do no longer belong to myself.
I never did, just did believe so, took what I could,
made it my own, stole it from God.
I did create this dream called ‘me’ and ‘mine’.
Strongly so. Great was the drama. That was my choice.
Myself is still around,
I’m far from perfect, not better than you,
pretty crazy, with likes and dislikes, even frustrations appear.
Look at my behavior, and something like inlaitnd is surely the last you’d call it.
I only know: All of that doesn’t matter.
What matters is the Heart.
My Heart is in Love.
In Love with Being.
In Love with Truth.
Being in the space, the space where outside and inside become you >D
Gracias Elian por tus palabras que transcriben lo intrasncribible, lo absurdamente obvio, lo transparentemente vivo. Thank you for representing the voice of natural oneness!