We bring with us these Codes
Down into this Reality
Right into the Matrix
A world that has no Space for it
and gives no Space to it
Holding the Keys
for where no door is yet
What we bring
is such a Shining Diamond
yet outrightly against
the ways this world is working
It makes so rich
yet nothing here can be bought with it
We bring it down through pathways of joy
We bring it down through pathways of pain
The joy then been received for the joy of it
The pain then been rejected for the pain of it
Both being missed, for it is not for them –
not for the pathway, but for what streams through it
The Light you bring
will make you look dark
Your being in tune
will make you sound off tune
What you bring
does never nowhere fit in
You simply are
a mistake in the system
Inevitably misunderstood
Yet we walk on
‘Cause it got to be done
It got to come down
So we walk on
walk on
walk on