The Sacred Serpent
Matrix of Life
Since time immemorial, the Serpent is the symbol of healing and medicine. The archetype of the Sacred Serpent can be found amongst indigenous peoples of all continents. The Serpent expresses the primordial spiral motion inherent in all forms in nature. This motion is like an own intelligence, an inner knowledge of nature, from which the organic world arouse and rises over and over again. We encounter it in all the physical structures of existence – in the DNA, in microbiological processes, in the cerebral convolutions, in the fluid circuits, the peristalsis, the growing of plants, the underwater world, the currents of the sea, in the galaxies and cosmic nebulae – they all spread in spirals, curls, swirls, currents and circles. This was symbolized as a Serpent and understood as something sacred, as a healing force. The original forms of medicine worked with this Serpent Power.
Meeting the Sacred Serpent means to return to the Primordial - to the cradle of humanness, to the beginnings of the earth, to the origin of matter itself.