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Shakti Flux Energy Transmission

- A Spirit Embodyment Process -

In profound Being-to-Being-connectivity 

we activate the Primordial Energy of Life.


Expansion of Consciousness in the brain occurs

Spinal Cord and Fluidum respond and realign

Spirit is awakening in your body




The Online Session format of this work consists of a guided meditation into the central channel of your body and an energetic transmission. Throughout the transmission we are in verbal exchange on how the energy is reaching into you, which sensations and feelings arising in you and how to allow them/direct them. With awareness and attunement present, it really does work on distance!




The process is unique for each one and can have effects on various levels:



Spontaneous/intuitive/involuntary movements ~

IntraCellular Healing ~ DNA Re-Formation



Release of stuck feelings ~ Return to the Ocean of All Love and Deep Peace



Clear insights ~ Realization of deep meaning and truth



Energetic Openings ~ Bringing Unseen Levels into the Seen



Direct experience of Oneness

How the online session works:

Each session has their own timing for your process to conclude.
Time frame of 90 minutes is open.


Price : 80 $ / 80 €

Any questions? 

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